There are a ton of changes on the way to Overwatch 2 when Season 10 gets underway next month, but the arrival of a new hero is always going to be the biggest update. Venture is a DPS hero with a completely different kit to anything we’ve seen before. We’ve been waiting months to try out the non-binary hero after getting our first glimpse at BlizzCon, so here’s some good news: you can check out Venture in the game right now.
Much like how Mauga entered the game early for a trial weekend, Venture is available in all modes except competitive until March 31. It’s worth noting that the No Limits mode is live in the Arcade, so everyone will have a chance to try out the newcomer in a match without having to wait.
Although Venture is only going to be around for a few days for now, when they officially join the lineup in Season 10, they’ll immediately be free for everyone to play. All the other Overwatch 2 heroes will be unlocked for everyone when the new season starts, and going forward every hero will be enabled for free for all players right away — just as it should be.
To whet everyone’s appetite, Blizzard released a proper gameplay video for Venture with an intriguing Anubis-shaped tease at the end…
Let’s quickly break down Venture’s kit.
They have two other passives in addition to the role-based damage passage. Explorer’s Resolve will grant temporary shields to Venture when they use their abilities. The Clobber passive means that Venture will deliver extra damage when executing a quick melee attack.
Venture’s weapon is called the Smart Excavator. It launches a seismic charge that bursts after travelling a short distance — Venture doesn’t seem one for long-range attacks. It’s just as well then that they have two movement abilities to quickly close the distance.
Burrow sees Venture use that drill to move underground, becoming invulnerable in the process. They deal damage when they pop out of the ground. Drill Dash is a forward dash that can knock enemies backward. This ability works in the air too.
Venture’s Ultimate is called Tectonic Shock. This sends out damaging shockwaves across the battlefield.
That’s the nuts and bolts of the new hero. I’m sure we’ll learn much more about them and their backstory very soon. In the meantime, let’s find out just how much fun they are to play.
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