The Alarming Reality
Over the past 12 years, US student loan debt has quadrupled to a staggering $1.7 trillion. Nearly 44 million Americans carry an average debt of $37,718, and over 11 percent of aggregate student loan debt (pre-COVID) is more than 90 days delinquent.
This past year, the average public university student borrowed over $32,000 to receive a bachelor’s degree. However, only 11 percent of employers believe that a degree prepares students for the workforce. It’s a cruel irony: a $32,000 loan – not counting interest – for a degree that doesn’t prepare you for the career needed to repay the debt.
Tracing the Roots
Federal student loans were first offered in 1958 under the National Defense Education Act (NDEA) to promote specific academic majors—engineering, science, or education—in response to the Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik. Seven years later, President Johnson’s declaration that higher education was no longer a luxury but a necessity led to the passage of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), which extended NDEA applicability to all majors.
In 1992, despite an earlier Senate report finding the student loan program riddled with waste, fraud, and abuse, Congress reauthorized HEA, making new, unsubsidized student loans available to any student regardless of financial need. Three years later, Congress authorized the US Treasury to issue student loans directly, and student loan debt increased to $187 billion.
Restoring Financial Literacy In Higher Ed
Fast forward to today, and the current $1.7 trillion debt. By extending and expanding the program and removing the financial cap on borrowers, market forces added to the soaring cost of tuition while increasing pressure for everyone to receive a college degree all without regard for the ultimate success – i.e. a well-paying job – of the effort.
In other words, there’s carte blanche acceptance of debt with no assessment of risk. As any economist—or anyone who has a credit score—can tell you, this is not how credit markets function.
Healthy credit markets are integral to a healthy economy because they allow the economy to evaluate risk and steer capital investment to those initiatives most likely to succeed. This is called risk-based pricing, which means lower costs of capital—that is, cheaper loans—for lower-risk investments and higher borrowing costs for long-shot ideas. That’s how credit markets work: lenders assess their risk on everything from car loans to credit cards to mortgages and set their rates accordingly.
However, that’s not the case for federal student loans. Federal student loans are one of the few credit instruments in the world where we do not assess risk. We don’t assess the underlying value of a degree or the likelihood of graduation. Interest rates are fixed, set lower than their private counterparts. Federally backed student loans provide a uniform credit pricing model that skews incentives by artificially suppressing real-market interest rates.
Suppose half of all graduates tied to a specific major defaulted on their student loans. Were that the case, private lenders might charge upwards of 30 percent interest on a loan – illustrating a level of risk that could help students rethink their field of study.
Instead, government intervention skewed incentives at post-secondary institutions and the underlying value of a degree became separated from the financial likelihood of repaying one’s loan.
College degrees are not tickets to the middle class. In fact, in 1971, when far fewer Americans were college-educated, a broader middle class was earning a greater percentage of aggregate US income than we see today. By deeming college degrees “necessary” for success, we created a shortage of skilled tradesmen and a glut of college graduates with degrees that employers find of little value.
We shouldn’t end all federal student loans; we need a system to accommodate low-income borrowers. But we also need to rethink the high school-to-university pipeline and encourage students to explore the myriad post-secondary options that don’t require $40,000 of debt.
The Bottom Line
Resolving this disaster will require more than blaming student loan borrowers. Income-driven repayment plans sound good in theory, but that leaves many Americans repaying their college debt forever. And eliminating outstanding balances without treating the disease accomplishes nothing.
Central to addressing the student loan crisis is restoring financial literacy within higher education institutions. The only sustainable long-term solution is restoring free markets, limiting government intervention, and holding post-secondary institutions accountable for their students’ outcomes.
If students are able to weigh the pros and cons of a college degree, perhaps more students will begin asking, “Do I really need to go to college?”