One of the world’s leading experts on influence and persuasion, Phil M. Jones, likes to use a quote from Spiderman to explain the moral duty of his clients. In the 2002 Spiderman movie, Uncle Ben says to Peter Parker, “With great power comes great responsibility.”
And just like teenagers bitten by a radioactive spider, those with the ability to influence and persuade can use their powers for good or evil. Phil, a highly sought-after consultant, facilitator, keynote speaker, and best-selling author of Exactly What to Say: The Magic Words for Influence and Impact, said to me in a wide-ranging interview, “Persuasion and influence often find themselves staring into that area of manipulation. The difference between influence and manipulation is integrity.”
He encourages his clients to continually look at the intention behind their influence. For example, do you believe the outcome will be a sustained positive one for the person you are influencing, or is your intention to create a short-term outcome solely for yourself? If you have the other person’s best interests at heart, that is ethical influencing and far better for both parties.
As Phil rightly points out, even people with the best intentions will not always get it right. “I think you have to leave some pace for the fact that you might mess it up even when your influence was well-intended and well-informed,” he said.
During our conversation, he shared an example to illustrate how even your well-intended influence can go wrong. In his example, a leader – the influencer in this scenario – believes that somebody on their team should take a giant leap of faith toward a role promotion. The leader suggests that the promotion presents the right circumstances for their team member to be brave, pushing for something that furthers their career growth. The team member is flattered and accepts the role.
However, in this particular example, the promotion winds up not working out well for the employee. Eighteen months later, they are failing in the role, and because the promotion required a significant geographic move, they begin experiencing considerable strain in their home life, too.
“Integrity is your need to understand just how much you can influence,” offered Phil. “In this scenario, you can influence the decision to apply for the promotion. You can’t influence their ability to be successful in that role. You can’t influence how they go on to communicate with their spouse. You can’t influence all the other micro-moments in between.” But your original influence—without thinking it through—could have negative consequences.
Instead, Phil suggests that leaders aiming to “influence with integrity” focus on transparent and precise communication. Of course, the easiest step is to ditch lazy expressions and buzzwords.
The common culprits he sees in corporate environments are expressions like “bring your best self to work” or “bring your most authentic self to work,” two terms I personally loathe and on par with Phil’s observation.
Instead of using ridiculous catchwords, leaders ought to be specific about the traits they want the team member to bring to their role. For example, equip your employee for success by telling them you would like them to show up to a project or assignment unafraid to speak their mind. They should be quite happy to challenge the status quo, but not by bringing their most authentic self to the job.
“I can have more influence and be more persuasive when I increase specificity,” he added. “My integrity gap is also easier to control when I’m more specific with what I’m asking of somebody.”
Instead of that leader pushing their team member for the promotion, Phil suggests that a better approach would be to acknowledge that the promotion will indeed be challenging and require them to put themselves in situations that will test them. Even going so far as to ask them whether they are prepared to take on such a challenge because failure might mean they cannot go back to their current role; it might mean they no longer have a job.
“Influencing with integrity is allowing somebody to understand the cons as well as the pros of doing something,” suggested Phil.
For leaders looking to improve their influence and persuasion skills, Phil believes there are three critical ingredients required to influence with integrity in a meaningful way.
The first ingredient is curiosity. Approaching situations from a position of curiosity allows you to understand the context behind the situation. If you insert your content before offering context, you have just made it noisier rather than adding the required clarity. You also won’t understand the factors contributing to the unfolding scenario.
The second ingredient is empathy. “When you’re curious for long enough, you reach empathy by accident because you’re standing on the same side looking at the same problem,” he surmised.
One of the biggest mistakes Phil sees leaders make when trying to be influential is defining their influence by whether or not they win the argument. The only issue is that the other person feels like a loser if you’re the winner. Nobody wants to be a loser. Not even Doctor Octopus, one of Spiderman’s rivals. Corporate cultures get broken when we think this way.
Empathy can help you to see the problem as the enemy and the other person as your collaborator in solving the problem. Instead of influencing the other person, you are both being influential together. And as a leader, you are being relatable. You’re finding a common element with the team member.
The third ingredient that Phil recommends is courage. Leaders need the courage to ask the person to take a bold step and try a new approach. It’s the final component to drive action, yet it feels like a natural next step because curiosity and empathy have already been achieved.
All three ingredients are critical to achieving alignment, so everyone moves in the same direction rather than causing internal friction. Team members and leaders then work together against a common enemy, confident that all stakeholders have the full context.
“Start curious until you reach empathy, and then have the courage to make the bold ask,” outlined Phil, as he summarily pointed out a much better method to be persuasive in the context of creating an, ahem, influential corporate culture.
Watch the full interview with Phil M. Jones and Dan Pontefract on the Leadership NOW program below, or listen to it on your favorite podcast.
Pre-order my next book publishing in October, Work-Life Bloom: How to Nurture a Team That Flourishes, (You won’t want to miss digging in.)