Following the weirdly stealthy release of the Front Mission 1st: Remake, we are now getting the second game in the series coming to the Switch this June and this release is actually a far bigger deal.
This is because unlike the first Front Mission game, the second game on the PlayStation was never released outside of Japan. In short, that means that this remake is the first time ever that Front Mission 2 has been given an international release.
Compared to the first Front Mission, the second game was the first to use 3D models, so this remake has a lot more to graphically go off on compared to the first game.
If you are unfamiliar with Front Mission, these games are turn-based strategy affairs with a slew of customizable mecha, the latter being called Wanzers.
Modern games like Into the Breach owe a lot to the Front Mission games, as they were some of the first mecha strategy games ever made and in many ways went on to define that sub-genre.
So to have the first 3D Front Mission game given a proper and modern remake is definitely fantastic news.
My only concern here is that the recent remake of the first Front Mission game wasn’t appraised all that fairly, and I don’t want to see that happen again with its sequel (especially as this marks the first time the game has been given an international release).
Front Mission 2: Remake is release for the Switch on June 12.
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