I see a lot of complaining about Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare II online. One of the most egregious complaints I see is that there isn’t enough content, which always strikes me as funny when you actually look at how many maps, guns and other content has released since launch.
(There are other complaints that I find much more justified, including issues with performance, UI design and more).
In any case, the latest big update which kicked off earlier this week with Season 5 includes the new mid-sized map “Punta Mar” which is set in Mexico. It’s not only a great-looking, colorful map it’s one of the best-designed maps I’ve played in any Call Of Duty game in years and an instant favorite for me and my squad in Season 5.
Punta Mar feels like a totally different kind of map than anything else that’s come out for Modern Warfare II, but it’s also unique compared to any of the maps that have come out for any recent Call Of Duty game, and if it had released a decade ago in one of the earlier Modern Warfare titles, I’m sure it would be a classic by now, with players pining for a remake with every new release.
The map takes place along the winding streets of a small Mexican city. There are lots of buildings, all of which can be entered, many of which have multiple stories and rooms. A great deal of these buildings have traversable rooftops, providing sightlines down to the street or across to other rooftops or terraces.
Ladders and staircases provide various means of gaining higher ground. Narrow alleyways carve their way between buildings. This is not a small map, but its verticality makes it dense and gives players many different potential strategies in any given gunfight. It’s especially fun in objective modes like Domination and Hardpoint, though I haven’t yet played it in Search & Destroy or Cyber Attack, where I’m sure it would genuinely shine. I hope to get some 3v3 Custom games going soon to test these modes out.
The other new maps that have landed in Modern Warfare II so far include two new Gunfight maps, both of which are loads of fun, and the Strike map. That last one is a remake of a classic that I think is pretty good, but I believe would be much better at about half the size, give or take. I think that about a lot of Call Of Duty maps!
You can read all about the new maps right here. Read the Season 5 patch notes here.