It has been a little while since I posted a Marvel Snap deck, and this season, I’ve found myself staying mostly away from MODOK, who hasn’t been quite as meta-defining as Silver Surfer and Zabu were, both of which have now been nerfed.
Instead, I’m returning to an old friend, Lockjaw, for a “big guys” deck which I find to be one of my favorites. There are a few ways to do large unit decks, and the other main one is an Electro Ramp deck, but I like this one the most as it sort of just plays itself.
I originally saw a version of this on reddit, though I can’t find the original thread now. But the deck has worked wonders for me, and I hope it’s the same for you. Here it is, and how to play:
0 – Wasp – She’s for Lockjaw purposes only, since you can play her on the same turn he goes up. The only zero cost in the deck, as this is not a version that has Thor in it. It feels terrible when Jubilee pulls her, but it’s not often.
1 – Sunspot – A staple in any big guys deck as you will often have to wait until turn 3 or 4 to play anything of significance
3 – Lockjaw – No two drops required, just straight to Lockjaw here. Use Wasp, Sunshot and Jubilee to summon. Another great move is Leech here, for the leeching, but then also a replacement with one of your big guys.
4 – Dracula – This card is just too good as there’s nothing your opponent can do to stop it. With at least five huge targets for discard at the end of the game, he will win you the day more often than not.
4 – Jubilee – Best when used with Lockjaw but if not, is still very good at drawing big guys on her own.
5 – Leech – With Lockjaw and Jubilee can potentially be summoned 1-2 turns early, but even if you just play him normally on turn 5, he can win you the game. I would usually play him over Captain Marvel if I had both in hand.
5 – Captain Marvel – I really just wanted to show off my new variant. But no she can be really good at winning games with unplayable locations, and is a good summon.
6 – America Chavez – The “increase your draw odds” card also works as a solid summon here, albeit less good than the others.
6 – Magneto – One of the best six drops in the game, both as a summon but even as a last turn play if you need him.
6 – Giganto – Just a large body for a good summon, or you can manually play him on the left if you think he alone will win you that lane in turn 6.
6 – Infinaut – Usually just going to be a target for Dracula to discard, but he also works as a good defense against rival Leeches, as it will let you play him on turn 6 even without planning for him on turn 5 by skipping.
9 – Death – No wave in this deck, but you can get her from Lockjaw or Jubilee obviously. And she works as a great defense against the millions of destroy decks out there that continues to be one of the most popular archetypes in the game.
There you go. Here is the deck code, as people always want me to post that and I usually forget:
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