Economic conditions can adversely impact organizations in any industry, but nonprofits often feel that strain acutely. As budgets tighten and uncertain financial futures come into play, it’s tempting for executives to cut costs across the organization. However, some expenses should always be considered essentials, even if funds are tight.
Here, 18 Forbes Nonprofit Council members highlight critical areas where skimping could do more harm than good. Read on to learn how strategic investment in these key areas can set the foundation for long-term sustainability and impact, regardless of the current economic climate.
1. Employee Salaries And Benefits
Nonprofits should never skimp on employees. Often, salaries and benefits are the largest bucket in a nonprofit’s budget, so it seems like an easy line item to cut. But employees are essential. If you don’t have employees running your programs, you don’t have programs. Although we can’t always give a raise, there should never be a lack of praise and reminders of the difference the staff is making. – Dorothy Gibbons, The Rose
2. Professional Development Resources
Prioritizing resources is crucial amid tough economic times. Despite the temptation to cut costs, we must prioritize investment in employee training and development. This strategic imperative is essential, as it contributes significantly to improved patient care and satisfaction. Additionally, it bolsters employee retention, productivity and organizational resilience against economic uncertainties. – Dr. Ara J. Baghdasarian, Southern California Medical Center
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3. Marketing
Vital to nonprofit success is community outreach and visibility. Donors, volunteers and non-monetary supporters need to continue to see your organization’s work and mission. Out of sight and out of mind can be debilitating for a nonprofit’s reputation and social capital. Find creative ways to navigate marketing costs like in-kind radio ads and listing the broadcasting company as a large donor. – Christina Potts, LISTEN
4. Team Bonding
Invest time in regularly having lunch with your team. When you spend time together with employees over a meal, you are investing in the relationship, learning about one another, building trust and supporting retention. Associates need to know they matter, are heard and are important. This is how you build a strong culture of trust, respect and value for one another. – Nancy Padberg, Catholic Education Arizona
5. Talent Acquisition
Nonprofits must invest in talent despite financial constraints. Top-tier staff drive innovation, efficiency and impact that are crucial for navigating challenges during economic downturns. By cutting corners on talent acquisition, nonprofits risk reducing their effectiveness and undermining their long-term sustainability. – Michael Horowitz, The Community Solution Education System
6. Team Investments
The team is the most important investment a nonprofit leader can make. Developing effective staffers takes time, and replacing them takes even longer. To get the most out of your team, you have to recognize their efforts and reward them as best you can. No, we can never afford to compete with most for-profits. But we can show that when we invest dollars, it goes into the team first every time. – Patrick Riccards, Driving Force Institute
7. Current Support Measures
It’s not always about the cash. A nonprofit’s mission, staff and stakeholders are the foundation of the organization. During financial challenges, exhaust all options to maintain current levels of support and community engagement. Encouragement, empathy and a determined focus on the goal don’t cost a thing other than our time to share. It is important to be the chief encouragement officer. – Aaron Alejandro, Texas FFA Foundation
8. Morale
Amid a downturn, go out of your way to make your core team feel valued to maintain morale. Fortunately, being a beacon for your people costs you nothing. Your team knows how bad it is. Acknowledge that, but also use the downturn as an opportunity to lead with brilliance and generosity. You’ll earn legend status, and it could even be the inspiration for a historic rebound! – Tylor Taylor, Successful Aging Solutions & Community Consulting (SASCC)
9. Attracting Donors
Many cash-strapped organizations often have a heavy dependence on restricted dollars that come from project-based fundraising initiatives. Executives should never skimp on equipping their teams with the training to truly know how to attract and lead donors and conduct general operational solicitations. Too many fundraising teams have simply never had this training but it’s critical for diversification and sustainability. – Sherry Quam Taylor, QuamTaylor
10. Donor And Volunteer Engagement
In tough economic times, nonprofit executives must prioritize investing in the staff responsible for donor and volunteer engagement and stewardship. These teams keep donors connected and informed, fostering loyalty that sustains support even when budgets are tight. Skimping here risks losing the very backbone of nonprofit funding. Strong relationships are invaluable and very expensive to rebuild. – Cherian Koshy, iWave
11. Culture Management
One phrase to keep in mind is Peter Drucker’s “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” While the economy will ebb and flow, a culture must be nurtured to ensure staff and organization are well-positioned for the rebounds and able to respond to the evolving needs of those they serve. Inexpensive ideas like focusing on innovation, strategy, team building, celebrations and professional development make the difference. – Dawn Reese, The Wooden Floor
12. Hiring And Retention
Don’t skimp on hiring and retaining the right team to do the job. In tough times, I would argue that having talent and expertise in the right places can help steady the ship and provide confidence to your board and donors. Make sure you’re compensating your team appropriately, and recognizing the value and contributions they bring to the organization. This will help you reduce turnover and build a sustainable team. – Victoria Burkhart, The More Than Giving Company
13. Core Programs
Nonprofits should avoid skimping on core programs, including the staff that lead them. Ultimately, most contributed revenue for a nonprofit comes from donors and foundations that support the work and impact. If that work and impact are reduced, the case for support becomes harder to make. Making sure you have good retention of program staff and the resources needed to ensure your core programs make an impact should be your main priority. – Matthew Gayer, Spur Local
14. Revenue Drivers
Invest in the people who drive revenue, whether that means customer service staff for a social enterprise or frontline gift officers who raise funds. Don’t succumb to the tyranny of “or”—as in, forcing yourself to hire these people or program staff. Instead, think “next” to first drive revenue, then fuel programs. – Laura MacDonald, Benefactor Group
15. Motivated Employees
While many nonprofits start small with a volunteer-led workforce alone, I’ve found that growing to the next level requires professionalism and expertise. Invest in hiring the right people who are motivated not only by the cause but in doing an exceptional job. Your return on investing in the right people will pay dividends. – Erin Santos-Primis, Isabella Santos Foundation
16. Technology
You should never skimp on technology that can close the digital divide between your nonprofit and your stakeholders. I continue to prioritize budgeting for technology that enhances efficiencies in the delivery of my youth mentoring programs. This allows for real-time data capturing with web-based software that directly links to my database and provides hybrid or remote work options for my staff. – Erin Davison, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Louisiana
17. Training
Don’t skimp on training. The organization may not be able to send staff out of town for training, but there are so many virtual options that will allow staff to gain the information they need while being fiscally responsible. In-town options, virtual classes or conferences, as well as “train the trainer” (for example, training one person who trains others) are all cost-saving methods that can be employed. – Kimberly Lewis, Goodwill Industries of East Texas, Inc.
18. Where Funds Are Most Needed
Sometimes, when times are difficult, going on offense is the best plan. Your development team needs to go into overdrive working with finance to understand where funding is most needed and connecting with donors to ensure they understand their importance in advancing the mission of the organization during a tough period. Donors often rise to the occasion when they know their funding is essential. – Steven Preston, Goodwill Industries International