Ph.D., Communication/Relationship Coach, Etiquette Expert, Founder of the Academy of Social Competency.
In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the understanding of leadership. The importance of hierarchical structure has declined and has been replaced by the concept of shared leadership, also known as distributed leadership, co-leadership, collective leadership, etc.
Shared leadership is defined as “a dynamic leadership style that distributes authority, decision-making, and responsibility across a team or organization.” According to studies, there is a positive correlation between shared leadership, where team members actively contribute to decision-making processes and take ownership of their roles, and effectiveness.
Building shared leadership certainly requires selecting the right candidates for the team—those who have equally strong professional competencies and leadership potential. Given that the average cost-per-hire is $4,683, the best solution would be to hire those with leadership potential and further work on developing these skills.
Characteristics Of Potential Leaders
My observations indicate that the following qualities are most helpful in identifying the candidates with the strongest leadership potential. I’ve also included guiding questions for the interview process.
This reflects a candidate’s capacity to transcend their designated role and recognize interconnections between their own field and related areas of activity.
Key Interview Questions:
• Provide an example(s) of a project or initiative where you introduced a creative solution or innovative idea. What was the problem or opportunity, and how did you contribute to the success of the project?
• Provide an example(s) of when you have to think of your own effort to overcome an unexpected challenge at work. How did you approach the situation, and what innovative solutions did you implement to resolve it quickly and effectively?
2. Inquisitiveness As An Innate Drive To Explore, Learn And Tackle Intricate Challengesandidates with this mindset not only stay abreast of industry trends but also demonstrate adaptability and a proactive approach to addressing complex challenges.
Key Interview Questions:
• Provide an example(s) of a time when you took the initiative to learn and solve a complex problem at your work. How did you approach the challenge, and what steps did you take to expand your knowledge and/or skills to address it effectively?
• How do you stay informed about industry trends and advancements? Provide an example(s) of specific literature, courses or training programs you have engaged with recently to enhance your expertise in the field.
3. Listening Skills And An Empathetic Approach To CommunicationThis creates a foundation for valuing the unique perspectives and experiences of other people, contributing to a collaborative and harmonious work environment.
Key Interview Questions:
• Provide an example(s) from your professional experience where you demonstrated a genuine interest in understanding the perspectives of your team members. How did this contribute to effective collaboration or problem-solving within the team?
• In challenging situations, how do you ensure that you not only hear others but also actively seek to understand their underlying perspectives? Share an example(s) where this approach led to a positive outcome or improved working relationships.
4. Emotional Resilience To Navigate Challenges Under PressureIt’s important to uphold a positive demeanor and inspire others. This quality ensures that the candidate can effectively cope with difficulties amid challenging circumstances.
Key Interview Questions:
• Share a specific example(s) from your professional experience where you faced a challenging situation that required emotional resilience. How did you handle the pressure, maintain a positive attitude and support your team through the difficulties?
• Describe a time when you encountered setbacks or obstacles and how you managed to stay emotionally balanced. How did you turn challenges into opportunities for personal growth, and how did this positively impact your work environment?
Finally, there is one more dimension that I find helpful in identifying individuals with strong leadership potential—androgyny, namely the ability to manage masculine and feminine qualities in a timely and appropriate manner. Given the balanced perspective, adaptability, inclusivity and conflict-resolution skills of people who are psychologically androgynous, such individuals would be an excellent fit for shared leadership models.
Key Interview Questions:
• Share a work-related situation where your team members held differing opinions from yours. How did you ensure that their perspectives were acknowledged, fostering inclusivity, while also advocating for and presenting your own viewpoint?
• When making significant decisions, how do you consider both the analytical, task-oriented aspects and the interpersonal, people-focused aspects? Can you provide an example of a decision where this balance was essential for a successful outcome?
Wrapping Up
As organizations continue to embrace shared leadership, it becomes crucial to identify and nurture individuals with the qualities mentioned above. Through strategic hiring and developing such candidates, organizations can lay the groundwork for entering a new era of effectiveness and progressive leadership.
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