Managing up is an indispensable skill and strategy for any professional to possess, especially for those aspiring to, or already working in, leadership roles. In fact, a Ladders study revealed that 86% of professionals who managed up agreed that it eventually leads to landing promotions, while 81% believed that it is key to gaining pay rises. McKinsey research also demonstrated that the art of managing upwards and even sideways, is crucial to leadership success, and equally important as managing down.
But first, let’s be clear on what managing up is, and what it’s not.
Managing up is not manipulation, dictating to your boss, having an arrogant attitude, challenging their decisions, or bypassing them to liaise with those at higher levels of the organization. This is bad work etiquette and can lead to the very opposite of what you’re trying to achieve—a positive working relationship with your manager and career progression into leadership roles.
Instead, managing up is about seeking to understand your manager and the most productive ways of working with them. It involves clear and transparent communication, anticipating their requirements, and providing added value to your department and to the organization as a whole. For example, some behaviors pointed out in the McKinsey study included the effective usage of available resources, and the ability to demonstrate direct tangible results from your work.
This results in improved working relationships with your manager and any other senior managers you may report to, effortless collaboration and productivity, an enjoyable work experience. Managing up also sets you on a strong career trajectory through highlighting to senior managers that you have essential leadership skills as you take charge of your job.
Here are five ways to manage upwards:
Be Proactive With Your Performance Review
The first thing that is imperative to understand about managing up is that your weekly, monthly, or quarterly performance reviews are more than mere one-sided meetings; they are opportunities for you to showcase your enthusiasm for your role, for your professional development, and for you to connect with your manager and forge a stronger relationship with the foundation of mutual understanding. This requires some proactivity and initiative on your part.
Plan for your review and if possible, seek to coordinate your catch-up meeting with your manager at a time that is mutually convenient, taking into consideration their regular meetings and time slots they have blocked out. When preparing for your review, make a list of 3-5 key areas you’d like to discuss, seek clarification on, or explore further. They could be related to questions about how to perform your role effectively, any issues you’ve encountered at work, potential challenges, or your career plans. Attending the meeting with this list will promote productive discussion, and if your manager cooperates, you’ll leave feeling empowered.
Ensure You’re On The Same Page
To build a strong working relationship with your manager, it’s important to communicate clearly. Being transparent and sharing regular status updates increases mutual trust, especially in a remote work environment, and also helps to guard against micromanagement from their perspective. Through polishing your communication skills, you can ensure there are fewer misunderstandings and you are both working towards shared objectives.
Understand Your Manager’s Style
Every manager has their unique management style in addition to a unique personality and habits of working. All these factors combined may be bothersome to you as their employee, and you may not agree with their style. However, instead of pointing out what they need to change, seek to understand their perspective, what drives their goals, and adapt to their management style. Set clear expectations in your mind so you know what to expect and how to react (or not react at all) in certain situations. Develop an empathetic understanding of them and their personality.
Step Up To Support
As one who is working towards a shared objective alongside your manager, you should seek opportunities to volunteer and offer additional support on a project if you have available time. Your time, assistance, and willingness to go the extra mile and take initiative will prove invaluable for your career, because it will expose you to other facets of the organization that will in turn, broaden your knowledge and equip you for career progression. Offer to provide support, input, and feedback, and put your problem-solving skills to work to suggest solutions.
Have A Big-Picture View
One of the core conclusions of McKinsey’s research was that functional leaders must be aware of, and aligned with the priorities of the CEO and senior-level leaders. Aspiring leaders who manage up always maintain a steady finger on the pulse of overall organizational priorities. They are concerned with what the senior management team is concerned about; they take interest in the success of the business as though it were their own, and they always bear in mind the far-reaching effects each action they take could have on the business.
Start today to implement these strategies into your workflow, and you will begin to notice that as you master the art of managing up, you will reduce the likelihood of unpleasant surprises or delays in your work, regain control and ownership over your workload and career goals, build a healthy working relationship with your manager, and stand out as an invaluable employee worthy of a promotion or raise.