Deciding to work as a freelancer as opposed to pursuing the traditional 9-5 comes with its consequences.
Sure, you are financially independent and free, and you don’t need to worry about being accountable to anyone except yourself and your clients. However, with all that newfound freedom comes some harsh realities and tough decisions that are to be made.
Alongside unlimited income potential and the ability to make money online while working entirely remotely from home, comes the pressure of managing dozens of responsibilities at once, with no team to fall back on in case you get sick or simply want a break.
Time off? That’s out of the question as a full-time self-employed contractor, at least when you’re trying to get the business off the ground.
A second opinion or an extra pair of eyes? You’ve got to be a little more resourceful to get those when you’re a freelance professional.
The things we take for granted as being a part of our daily professional lives within the conventional workplace environment, are no longer easily accessible when you’re freelancing. And unfortunately, the lack of having processes and people in place, such as a set work schedule, management team, and team members and departments to support you, provide advice, and hold you accountable, can lead to unsuccessful outcomes as a freelancer.
This certainly does not signal positive news, because unlike a job, the money that you make as a freelancer is directly linked to the output of work and how strategic and efficient you are with it.
With all of this in mind, here are five essential skills every freelancer needs, to make a high income:
1. Learn When To Say No
Saying “no” as a freelancer means that you allow yourself the grace of taking a short break to rest, for your wellbeing and mental health; it means that you refuse to accept anything less than the fee you state, and will not tolerate the attempt of would-be clients to barter down your services, complain about fees, or offer you opportunities for “exposure” without pay, when in actual fact, you don’t need their “exposure” because you have already established industry credibility.
Say “no” to subtle leaches that will rob you of your high-earning potential, such as people who only want to talk, complain, and debate, but do not see the big picture as you do and refuse to encourage or support you in your freelancing career.
Say “no” to distractions. One minute here and there will add up and decrease your productivity.
And finally, say “no” to accepting projects that are unethical by nature, either in the practices your client expects you to adhere to, or from the company themselves.
2. Learn When To Say Yes
At the same time, know when to say yes. Develop the skill of being open-minded and responsive to accepting the right opportunities strategically. Say “yes” even if you feel scared or nervous, even if you feel that you’re not good enough. Embrace the fear and be confident in who you are, and in your personal brand. Say “yes” to adapting to change, trying unconventional approaches, and being agile in your business practices, ensuring that you adapt your services and/or products to reflect changing customer demands and market priorities.
3. Learn How To Sell Yourself
One of the most essential high-income skills any freelancer can possess in their toolkit is the ability to sell themselves. Selling yourself is more than personal branding; the concept of selling yourself means that you believe in yourself and your value as a freelancer, and you are able to translate and articulate that value in a clear and concise way to stakeholders and potential clients.
This skill will manifest itself in your social media posts, in initial meetings and consultations with clients, and in all your digital marketing and advertizing.
4. Learn Personal Branding
Personal branding is an indispensable skill to learn as a freelancer. This is what will set you apart from others, especially if you operate in a competitive industry. Think outside the box and ask yourself, How do I want to be portrayed within my industry? What is the image and the core statement I am trying to get across?
5. Learn Social Media Management
Lastly, but certainly not least, comes social media management as the next high-income skill for freelancers to learn. There are almost five billion social media users, so this is highly fertile ground for you as a freelancer.
You may not have a marketing team or social media manager like the ones that existed in your last job, but you still can build a strong social media following and presence (which will convert into passive income if you’re effective at it) on your own.
Research various social media platforms and decide which one(s) are most suitable to expand your reach and online footprint as a freelancer. Then analyze your market and look at the various types of content that people on these platforms tend to consume the most. Develop a social media strategy (you can even ask ChatGPT to help you create a basic one for your freelancing business) and apply this strategy to each social media platform and business profile.
When you master these five high-income skills, you will be able to seize new opportunities, thrive in times of crisis, make money effectively online, and maintain your own wellbeing in the process.