Tax day is upon us, and millions of Americans are scrambling to finish their returns on time by navigating one of the most illogical, unfair, and confusing tax systems in the world—the federal tax code.
Almost 40 years ago, Congress passed the Tax Reform Act of 1986, the last major overhaul of the federal tax code. Signed into law by Republican President Ronald Reagan and championed by Democrats such as Bill Bradley and Richard Gephardt, the enactment of the law was a historical, and by today’s standards, almost impossible bipartisan achievement. It significantly reduced marginal rates with a top rate of 28 percent, removed millions of working poor off the tax rolls, and simplified the tax code by closing a myriad of tax loopholes.
Unfortunately, over time, Presidents and Members of Congress have conspired to undue much of the good that came from the 1986 reform—often under the guise of reform. many of the loopholes that the 1986 reform eliminated have returned, with a few extra ones slipped in for good measure. Since the law’s enactment, tens of thousands of changes have been made resulting in a tax code (including regulations and official guidelines) that is several volumes longer than The Bible and requires almost 75,000 pages.
Because of this complexity, U.S. taxpayers spend more time and money figuring out what they owe than taxpayers from almost any other country in the world. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the average taxpayer spends 13 hours completing their tax return, and some 80 percent of American households use a tax preparer or tax software to help them prepare and file their taxes.
But complexity is only part of the problem. The other is cost. Year-after-year, elected officials in Washington shovel more tax breaks into the trough (tax expenditures account for over $1.1 trillion a year in spending) leading to higher deficits and record levels of debt. Furthermore, this array of tax breaks (and the complexity they embed into the code) has opened the door to taxpayer errors and mischief, resulting in $625 billion tax gap (the difference between what is owed in taxes for a given tax year and the amount that is paid on time).
Despite the obvious need for tax reform, both parties have ignored the need for reform and in some cases, made the problem worse. Republicans annually push for tax cuts and new loopholes for the wealthiest Americans, while offering few if any offsets to cover their cost. Democrats have also pushed new tax breaks for an array of social causes, and their big reform idea is to require the IRS to do your taxes for you. This last idea is the classic example of treating the symptom and instead of the disease. No-file tax systems around the world are becoming increasingly reliant on taxpayers filing additional informative, would cost tens of billions to put into place, and would be accurate at for less than half of taxpayers (and virtually all inaccuracies would likely result in higher tax bills for individual taxpayers).
Tax policy is complicated, and attempting to bridge the hyper-partisanship in Congress to achieve tax reform (especially in an election year) is probably a bridge to far. But the case for real, comprehensive reform is clear, and Members of Congress should begin building a plan that could be placed on the agenda for next year.
Fortunately, they don’t have to start from scratch. The 1986 Tax Reform Act as well as the approach embraced by the bipartisan Fiscal Commission of 2011 (what some refer to as 1986-style tax reform on steroids), provides a road map on how to reduce marginal rates, increase federal revenues for deficit reduction, and make the code simpler and more progressive.
No doubt taking up tax reform will be a difficult challenge. But the benefits of enacting fundamental reform are worthy of the effort. Tax reform is a whole lot better for the economy than the status quo, and would prove to voters that our government and its leaders can still rise to the occasion when it counts.
Note: I served on the 2011 Fiscal Commission (Simpson-Bowles) and one was of many who helped design its tax reform plan.