Rhonda Dibachi is the CEO of HeyScottie, an AI-enabled automatic pricing engine for outsourced finishing services.
I recently returned from a trip to India. I was looking for new opportunities and new partners for my manufacturing services company, and I came away very excited about the opportunity to partner with Indian manufacturers.
Specifically, I wanted to see if partnering with Indian manufacturers would be good for my manufacturing-as-a-service (MaaS) marketplace in the U.S. To be blunt, I was on the hunt for the lowest cost yet highest-quality manufacturing services providers. At the same time, I was looking to India because the current economics of manufacturing in the U.S. are suboptimal and also due to the recent geopolitical upheavals and continuing risks of trading with China.
My historical offshoring experience has been mixed, varying from terrible to pretty good. For every product I offshored, I onshored its production as soon as I was able to acquire or build up the expertise to do it locally. The hassles associated with offshoring were significant, including quality issues arising from incomplete documentation, differing schedules and—most significantly—the hazards associated with shipping physical products halfway around the world.
India, at first glance, seems a less likely offshoring partner than China. India is more known for its service economy than its manufacturing prowess. But India has had a dominant position in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry for decades. It’s also in the top five globally in textile, steel and automotive manufacturing. Information technology and electronics aren’t far behind.
India’s Benefits And Trends
Additionally, several recent trends have boosted India’s potential to be a strong contender for offshore partner par excellence. India’s population is now the largest globally (Labor shortage? What labor shortage?), and thanks to years of strategic government investment in infrastructure projects and manufacturing industries, it has an ecosystem of manufacturers that are well-educated, English-speaking, and eager for growth.
Let me explain these benefits and trends in a little detail.
The first and more striking benefit of doing business with Indian manufacturing firms is the enjoyment of a shared language. In China, I was forced to use interpreters in most meetings, which made communication possible but more difficult. A mistake could be plausibly blamed on a simple error in translation, as opposed to the real culprit: shoddy documentation, corner cutting or poor performance.
During my visit to India, in contrast, the communication barrier was nonexistent. In urban areas, most Indians speak English. I found emails easier to read, small talk to be more rewarding and meetings to be more efficient, precise and constructive.
I can’t overstate how enthusiastic the people in India are. Wherever I went—including Bangalore, Coimbatore, Islamabad and neighboring towns—the people I met were unfailingly bullish on India and its future. They displayed confidence in their abilities and boundless optimism.
I toured their factories, which were everywhere: tucked away on the side streets of chaotic cities, in newly built industrial parks or standing alone in corn fields (that one held a fully automated solar panel manufacturer with robots from China and France and was close to lights-out manufacturing). I visited CNC machine shops, 3D printing shops, sheet metal fabs, cabinet makers and lighting manufacturers. At each of these places, I met (mostly) young people who were passionate about manufacturing and proud of their prowess and engineering heritage.
I also spoke to many Indians who touted the country’s current push toward industrialization. The widespread feeling is that the phone centers and support farms of yesteryear are giving way to higher-paying and more skilled work. The children of the people who manned the call stations are a lot better educated than the previous generation. They understand e-commerce, they’re internet natives and they grew up in the service economy.
The government has been working hard to make India a manufacturing mecca. For instance, although manufacturing in India already contributes 17% to its GDP, it aims to increase manufacturing to 25% of the GDP. The Indian government is building industrial corridors and funding tech- and manufacturing-friendly linking cities. For example, the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) is linking the megalopolises of Mumbai and Delhi with new, government-funded “smart cities.”
Other Things Of Note
India’s government has also reduced the barriers to entry for doing business in India. Over the last seven years, I’ve found that the time it took to open a bank account went from six months to three weeks. India has also implemented a national identity system that streamlines any type of financial transaction, allowing you to know exactly who you’re dealing with.
Moreover, doing business in a democratic setting adds a layer of comfort and openness to the equation. It’s more appealing to me to partner with people who value freedom of expression, disagreement and dialogue—but maybe that’s just me.
So, How Will This Play Out?
It seems easy to predict India will continue to make strides in becoming a powerful manufacturing leader and will challenge China’s dominant position as the number one place to offshore. Pricing is the litmus test, and I found the prices for most manufacturing facilities to be one-tenth to one-fifth of U.S. prices, including shipping to the U.S. These shops hold international certifications, like ISO-9001, and some were NADCAP certified.
The country’s manufacturing sector is brimming with potential and ready to cater to the global market with an educated, English-speaking population, high-quality outputs and competitive pricing. I’ll continue to watch these partnerships unfold, and I look forward to my next visit—not just because of the people and their expertise but because the food was amazing!
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