Literally anyone can be a thought leader. You don’t need to graduate from an Ivy League school, possess exceptional talent, or have decades of experience to establish yourself as a globally recognised industry expert.
What you do need, however, is boiled down to three essential ingredients. We’ll explore these ingredients later in this article.
But for now, let’s talk about the five essential steps anyone can take, regardless of one’s background, to become a thought leader:
1. Identify Thought Leadership Niche
You first need to ask yourself a series of questions: What will you talk about? And to whom? Why do they need to hear this from you, and why right now? What makes you different to the next industry expert? And what makes you relevant?
All these questions are helpful prompts that you can use to determine your niche.
2. Teach Yourself
You can learn and teach yourself anything, regardless of what stage you are at within your career. Deepen your knowledge on the latest trends, and research within your field. To become a thought leader, continuous research is essential—even if you think you already are the go-to expert. This is because without this research, you will quickly become outdated and lose touch with your audience, since you have lost relevancy.
Digest all the books you can find, peruse industry publications and news sources, attend industry conferences, and join physical and online networks of people who operate within your field. The more you know about them and your subject matter, the more confident you will become, because you will be armed with a plethora of data.
5. Build Your Online Prescence
As an industry thought leader, building a compelling and complete LinkedIn profile is a non-negotiable. It is one of your critical first steps in establishing your personal brand and visibility to other professionals and potential customers.
In addition to your LinkedIn profile, which is like a mini website, it’s useful to have your own website, so that you can establish credibility with Google and rank highly once you have mastered SEO. This way, people searching for questions that you answer with your expertise will easily find you and want to work with you.
You can also build a strong online presence and following on other social media platforms, and within forums in which you share your point of view.
4. Share Your Knowledge
Don’t be afraid to share, even while you’re learning. Don’t allow the fear of appearing inadequate, or waiting to master everything first, get in the way of you building your credibility and establishing a loyal following. Even if you make a few factual errors, it’s all part of the journey.
And remember, you’re human, so don’t beat yourself up for it. As you grow in your understanding, you can reflect back on those mistakes, poke fun at yourself, and learn from them. You can share your insights experiences and industry expertise through content marketing on various platforms, and through mediums such as social media posts, blog posts, podcasts, guest articles, and white papers.
The secret source to all of these outlets is to ensure that regardless of which one you choose, you’re consistently providing unique value to your audience, and answering a burning question that you know they have.
For example, one excellent way to share your knowledge is by making use of LinkedIn’s collaborative articles feature, in which AI and humans (LinkedIn members) can throw in their advice or views on a topic or question. This offers you the chance to gain a gold community badge as a LinkedIn Top Voice within your specialism.
And of course, remember that true thought leaders are genuine and authentic. Allow yourself to be authentic in all your interactions and engage actively with your audience, to gain their trust and build relationships with them.
5. Speak At Events
Getting invited to speak at an industry conference or other corporate event is a golden opportunity for you to showcase your expertise demonstrate your confidence and authority within your field, and attract more followers and paying customers long after your speech or presentation has ended. You may even get paid for your speaking engagement, depending on a myriad of factors such as the nature of the event, the sector, and who is organizing the event.
Remember that earlier it was mentioned that success is boiled down to three essential ingredients? Without these, none of the above steps listed will be effective in cementing your reputation or career as an industry thought leader.
These ingredients are: hunger, awareness, and confidence.
You need to be hungry and tenacious enough to learn, and be passionately dedicated to your own professional development. You also need self-awareness so that you can easily recognize what areas you need to upskill and gain more knowledge in, so that you can become a credible industry leader.
And finally, without confidence and self-belief, you won’t be able to succeed in your thought leadership career.
For people to want to follow you by the thousands (even the millions) and hear what you have to say, you must present yourself as one that is bold enough to say what people need to hear, not what they want to hear; to be unconventional, and not afraid to challenge the status quo, or even to challenge your own assumptions.
Through following these five steps and applying these three principle ingredients, you can successfully carve out a career as a thought leader.