The United Kingdom’s data and marketing trade association, the DMA, is hoping for a little magic with its hire of former Disney executive Tony Miller as its new Chair. Managing Director of the DMA, Rachel Aldighieri indicates that Miller was chosen because he is a “marketing pioneer, and has played a pivotal role in our industry for many years now, in which time he’s witnessed first-hand the fundamental shift in marketing from what used to be a traditional, direct approach to what is now an undeniably data-driven one. Tony knows the industry and the DMA inside out, and will play an integral part in increasing our membership base.”
With over 700 corporate members, the DMA has become Europe’s largest community of data-driven marketers, known for its annual UK Awards programme which celebrates creativity, data, strategy and results-driven work.
Miller describes the DMA as “the trade body that is focused on championing the consumer. Through this lens (of the consumer), the DMA holds the industry to account across our DMA Code which is first and foremost what we aim to protect, championing the consumer and giving marketers the data and insight that helps them demonstrate the value they’re delivering within the industry, and how they are contributing to business growth.
We work from the classroom to the boardroom – looking at every single level of a marketer’s journey; supporting them along the way. We are there to equip, train and upskill marketers, champion consumers with data best practice, lobby decisions within government to ensure that legislation protects the consumer, and ultimately we make it easy for marketers to excel in their day jobs and deliver high quality work.”
Miller indicates that in his new role, he is cognizant of how the industry is changing and needs to innovate: “Customers’ expectations of brands are increasingly high, and competition across all sectors is fierce. This, exacerbated by macro-economic and political influences, puts the marketing industry’s role in driving business growth under the spotlight like never before. We are committed to equipping the industry not just with just the tools it needs to succeed, but with the knowledge and know-how to inform, inspire, improve, influence, and interact through our established community of experts.
With such a focus on senior marketers’ role within business growth, there’s a huge opportunity to drive impact through the lens of measurement and marketing’s overall impact on business, and our legacy among the people we train up for the future.”
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