What a simple question reveals about the art and science of faking versus being authentic at work
Although popular tips for boosting one’s career success tend to promote “authenticity” and encourage workers to express their honest and genuine emotions at work, decades of academic research suggest that high-performing individuals, as well as those who climb up to the top of the organizational hierarchy (there is often little overlap between the two), tend to excel at political skills, impression management, and social desirability – all foundational pillars of emotional intelligence.
To be sure, the benefits of seeming or coming across as authentic tend to outweigh the negatives, as nobody wants to trust someone who comes across as a fake or phoney. That said, there are few benefits to seeming authentic when your authenticity is merely a function of being awkward, odd, or eccentric, or when it comes at the expense of being kind, respectful, or fitting in with a certain group or norm. This is why, for instance, expressing your “true values” is unlikely to lead to much approval, let alone celebration, if you are a racist, fascist, or sexist (unless, of course, your audience shares those values, too).
Importantly, while people are generally inept at inferring others’ authenticity, if you act in agreeable, conscientious, prosocial, and other-oriented ways you will significantly increase the probability that you are deemed not just authentic, but also rewarding to deal with. This is consistent with the fact that people tend to feel more authentic and better about their public and professional reputation when their behavior matches dominant cultural stereotypes of socially desriable personality traits: throughout the West, this is manifested as extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness, and agreeableness.
Unsurprisingly, one of the main avenues through which social and political skills translate into higher levels of career success is ingratiation, especially towards one’s supervisor or boss. In an ideal world, people would be promoted for being good at their job, but, in the real world, where performance evaluations are based on the subjective opinions and preferences of bosses, the performative aspects of job performance, which include faking good and pretending to work, as well as taking credit for others’ achievements and blaming others for one’s mistake, are more likely to advance people’s career than the value they actually contribute to their teams and organizations.
In line, a recent academic study shows that employees are under significant pressure to laugh at their boss’s jokes, even if it requires a great deal of faking or “surface acting” (also known as emotional labor). This pressure is particularly strong when the boss is autocratic, narcissistic, and incompetent, which creates an obvious conundrum: should you pretend that you find your boss’s jokes funny, thereby improving your potential career prospects with her/him, or rather express your honest feelings, and risk harming your relationship with her/him? Furthermore, given that corporate humor tends to thread a thin line between affiliative collegiality and toxic antisocial behavior, what are the moral implications and reputational costs of endorsing humor that potentially harms others?
Some key considerations from academic research:
1) There is no safe option: Whatever you do comes with risks, so if you are trying to be strategic, and maximize gains while minimizing losses, it is helpful to acknowledge that no action is without negative repercussions. For example, pretending to laugh when you seriously don’t find things funny will expose you as a fraud, not just to your boss but also your colleagues. The reputational cost here is generally higher as that of displaying an honest but unpopular reaction. Likewise, genuinely laughing at jokes you enjoy may neglect or overlook their negative impact on others, particularly when they express antisocial or antagonistic traits, and are harmful to others. You also don’t want to come across as boring, overly serious, and disconnected with others, including your boss. But, being your boss’s sycophantic sidekick is arguably more questionable, if not pathetic (especially in the eyes of others). In short, there is not much point in being overly calculating, but you should also not be naive, spontaneous, or simply go with the flow.
2) If you are going to fake it, fake it well: Not all deception is equally effective, and people are generally able to identify unconvincing displays of faking, even in strangers or distant acquaintances. However, there is one universal strategy for increasing your ability to fake well, whether it comes to distorting your reaction to jokes or other situational cues: namely, you must fool yourself first. Indeed, both the literature on “deep acting” (essentially the mainstream or non-professional equivalent of method acting) and self-deception align on one important fact: the best way to fool others is to fool yourself first. So, if you want to come across as convincing when you pretend to laugh at your boss’s jokes, then try to convince yourself that they are funny. Likewise, if you want to pretend that their jokes were not funny at all, be sure to convince yourself first.
3) It is easier (but also riskier) to fake online than offline: There are many advantages to managing your impressions and controlling your reputation online over and above offline or in-person interactions. For example: it is easier to hide your true emotions when you are sending texts or emoji, than when someone is checking your facial expressions and emotional leakage in front of you. Moreover, the dominant etiquette in virtual or online interactions favors fake positivity at the expense of honest negative feedback. With that, pretending that your boss’s comments or jokes are funny will be easier if you are in online than analogue environments. However, there are also notable risks to documenting your reactions online. First, as I highlight in my latest book, I, Human: AI, Automation, and the Quest to Reclaim What Makes Us Unique, algorithms are getting better at decoding our thoughts and emotions, and with generative AI making this technology widely accessible, we can think of a near-future in which bosses and employees leverage AI to interpret what others mean – and really think – when they interact with us at work. Dystopian, Orwellian, Big-Brother-like… yes, but this future is around the corner (fortunately, we can also use generative AI to improve our ability to fake good, prompting chatGPT and other platforms to suggest convincing ways to celebrate our boss’s jokes without seeming fake or partaking in bully activities). Second, even if managers or organizations refrain from using creepy AI to decode our thoughts and emotions, whatever you do online will leave a digital record for posterity. So, in the event of HR escalation, leaving traces of your reactions – good or bad or neutral – may compromise and harm you. Finally, though online environments foster extreme fake positivity at the expense of honest negativity, they are also polarizing and tribalizing, eliciting extreme reactions and evoking an exaggerated version of our typical, more moderate personality. This happens because people are far more disinhibited online than in face-to-face interactions, where empathizing is easier, even with those who don’t think like us. With that, a sound piece of advice is to moderate your reactions and comments online, making an effort to come across as a more boring and dry version of yourself.
Finally, we should remember that expressing your authentic sentiments about someone’s comments or views, including your boss’s jokes, may also hurt others )not just your own reputation and career prospects). For all the power and popular appeal of the authenticity cult, it is always helpful to recognize where your motivation to “be yourself” ends, and your obligation to others begins, and no prosocial, fair, or bearable work environment can exist unless we make an effort to self-censor, and inhibit problematic thoughts and behaviors. In an ideal world, your boss would be able to do this, as opposed to cracking offensive jokes, even if these are a genuine expression of their authentic self. As Karl Popper famously noted: “”If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”