Management consultant (sometimes called guru) Peter Drucker left us with countless pithy quotes on organizational behavior. One of my favorites is, “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.”
It’s easy to fall into the trap of fake work—well-intended activity that consumes time, energy, and other resources but adds little or nothing to performance metrics.
Stanford University professors Robert Sutton and Huggy Rao offer insightful scrutiny of this phenomenon in The Friction Project: How Smart Leaders Make the Right Things Easier and the Wrong Things Harder.
Skilled friction fixers, the authors say, think and act like trustees of other people’s time so they can focus on what really matters.
So, what’s the difference between bad organizational friction and good organizational friction?
“Bad friction is imposed by organizational obstacles that make the right things too hard, too frustrating, or downright impossible to do,” Sutton says. “Like the long and bewildering phone tree I had to endure to reverse an error made by my Internet provider, before they put me on a 45-minute hold, in order talk to a human being, who then accidently hung up on me—so I had to start the ordeal all over again.”
“Good friction,” Sutton says, is evident in obstacles that make it harder to do something, that slow you down, or that make it downright impossible to take certain actions.
What are some of the most common types of bad or destructive friction he’s seen in organizations?
Sutton says it depends on the industry. “In healthcare, it’s electronic health records, which add enormous burdens to nurses and doctors, and often means they spend their time with patients staring at the screen and typing in information, rather than examining and interacting with them.”
He cites a 2019 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association showing that doctors devoted 43% of their time to updating patients’ electronic records, and only 13% to caring for patients.
“For people in administrative roles, such as executives and managers, the top culprits include emails, meetings, red tape such as silly rules and regulations, and as research by Katy DeCelles at the Rotman Business School shows, ‘workplace vigilantes’ who take it upon themselves to clog up the works.”
Sutton says DeCelles and her co-author Karl Aquino found that vigilantes are “people who mistrust their colleagues and—even though they lack authority—appoint themselves as ‘judge, jury, and deliverer of justice.’” DeCelles and Aquino report that 42% of employees have worked with colleagues on “some kind of strange power trip” and “on patrol for anyone who didn’t abide 100% by any rules or regulations.”
Vigilantes, Sutton says, call out and tattle on co-workers for petty crimes such as being two minutes late or a messy desk. “And they make life miserable for colleagues and customers by enforcing every rule to the letter, and sometimes, inventing and imposing obstacles that they believe are right, even if they are unnecessary or even downright draconian,” he says. “Like the academic department manager we knew who invented and enforced budgetary restrictions and spending limits that violated the more reasonable and flexible policies that were used throughout the rest of her university.”
Sutton and Rao say being a frictionless organization is not the goal, and that good friction—often overlooked—is an important ingredient in good performance.
“Not everything in life should be quick and easy to do—or even possible to do,” Sutton says. “Unlawful and unethical acts should be impossible to do. I’m comforted, for example, that Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes was not allowed to put her company’s ineffective blood testing gizmo on U.S. Army helicopters because it had not been approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.”
Other times, Sutton says, when people are confused, or doing something very difficult, or something new and creative, “rather than rushing ahead and doing a sloppy or lousy job, the best leaders require their people to slow down and think deeply about what they’re doing so they can get it right.”
In their previous book Scaling Up Excellence, Sutton and Rao wrote that companies that have products or services that are failing in the marketplace are wise to “slow down and fix things” rather than to “keep rushing ahead and selling something crummy and that drives away customers.”
One example they cite is Noam Bardin, founding CEO of Waze, the navigation app. “Bardin’s company went through a stretch where most users who downloaded the app and tried it once or twice would never use it again,” Sutton says. “So, he enforced a hiring freeze and stopped all product development. He directed everyone in the company to figure out what was wrong with the app. During that six-week pause, they developed a rank-ordered list of what to fix, then they started working on the product. A few months after that they started hiring new people. The app was massively improved, and most users stuck with it after they downloaded it. WAZE became a big hit, and, a few years later, Bardin sold the company to Google for nearly a billion dollars.”
If left unattended, what impact does bad organizational friction have on workers? Sutton says they become exasperated, exhausted, and if they can, often leave for new jobs. “As one manager put it to us, ‘I work in a frustration factory’, Sutton says.
Bad friction (or “fake work”) wastes huge amounts of precious time. The Harvard Business Review reported that Deloitte’s executives were understandably disturbed when they “tallied the number of hours the organization was spending on performance management and found that completing the forms, holding the meetings, and creating the ratings consumed close to two million hours a year.”
Sutton says that in some companies, when bad friction is uncovered, leaders don’t just complain, they do something about it. He and Rao worked with Rebecca Hinds, who heads the Work Innovation Lab at Asana, on a meeting reset tool. “Rebecca worked with 60 of her colleagues to assess the value of each standing meeting on their calendars and the amount of effort it required,” Sutton says. “Employees identified hundreds of low-value meetings, and with guidance from Rebecca they eliminated some meetings and redesigned others to be shorter, less frequent, or to have fewer people. The average employee who participated in this ‘meeting reset’ saved about four a month.”
Sutton and Rao write about “jargon monoxide” that confuses and complicates workplace communication.
They cite a 2024 article in the New England Journal of Medicine reporting that Lifespan, the largest healthcare system in the state of Rhode Island, fed their surgical consent form for patients into ChaptGPT-4 with this 14-word prompt: “’While preserving content and meaning, convert this consent to the average American reading level.’”
The original form was at the 12th grade reading level, then revised at 7th grade level. Note: the average American reads at about the 6th grade level.
Sutton says that in the original form one instruction was, “You have the right to be informed about the surgical procedure(s) which your provider recommends so that you can make an informed decision whether or not to undergo the procedure(s). The purpose of this form is to provide written acknowledgment of your consent.” Thanks to ChatGPT-4, the revised instruction is, “You have the right to know about your surgery and other treatments. This form is your agreement in writing.”
Lifespan rolled out this new form in September of 2023. It’s now completed by about 35,000 patients per year.
Sutton confesses that university professors “are among the worst offenders when it comes to creating and spewing out jargon monoxide.” He cites a jargon research article by Columbia University’s Zachariah Brown and his colleagues who asked, “Why do academics describe their research as elucidating the antecedents of upright striding vertical bipedality on horizontal terrestrial substrates by non-human primates instead of describing why primates walk on the ground?”
How do the best leaders know when to subtract work?
“They do what we call good riddance audits,” Sutton says. “They figure out the time wasted on meetings, email, Slack messages, unnecessary training, excessive apps, and the like. Then they do something about it.”
Again, all of these improvements require that leaders see themselves as trustees of other people’s time.
Sutton says effective leaders “are keenly aware how their interpersonal behavior, the rules and norms they set, and organizational structures they create make the right things easier and the wrong things harder.” They focus on how they can keep making things better for their colleagues and customers in their “cone of friction”—i.e., the people who are influenced by their decisions and actions.
“That mindset was demonstrated by the CEO we met who worked to write emails that were 50% shorter, because it would save his thousands of employees so much time,” Sutton says. And it was demonstrated by the security guard at a large pharmaceutical company who figured out how to remove the gate in the parking lot and develop a more efficient security system for ensuring that all visitors were authorized. This eliminated the morning traffic jam at the entrance to the company parking lot.”