More people than ever before are questioning the worth of a college education as the cost of a four-year degree skyrockets, employers consider alternative hiring measures and higher ed issues become yet another political showdown. According to Gallup, just 36% of Americans last year had confidence in higher education, down sharply from 57% in 2015.
A new report is unlikely to strengthen their faith. According to new research from the nonprofits Burning Glass Institute and the Strada Institute for the Future of Work, some 52% of college graduates are “underemployed” a year after graduation, meaning they’re working a job that doesn’t require or “make meaningful use” of their diploma. The long-term results are no more encouraging: 73% of those graduates who were underemployed one year after school remained so a decade later, according to the report.
“This is a persistent, systemic challenge that isn’t going away—and won’t go away without long-term systems change efforts,” says Andrew Hanson, senior director of research at Strada and a co-author of the report, which analyzed job listings and data from labor market analytics firm Lightcast, as well as data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Education and Census Bureau.
Strada and Burning Glass did similar research six years ago, finding at the time that 43% of grads were underemployed in their first job. The two reports are not directly comparable due to the use of different data sources and sampling frames, but Hanson says the level of underemployment researchers found this year was stubbornly persistent and “higher than we had previously thought.”
Despite the buzzy talk of “skills-based hiring” that has employers like Walmart and IBM dropping four-year degree mandates for many jobs, many others are still seeking candidates with diplomas. But even if degrees remain preferred for many roles, post-grad job seekers still find themselves underemployed because many choose majors with unclear career paths and because universities aren’t doing enough to prepare students for employers’ needs, the report’s co-authors say.
Indeed, the two biggest differentiators of whether a graduate will be underemployed or not is their choice of major and whether or not the student had an internship in their related field during college, the analysis reports. That’s a positive, Hanson says, “because you can change both of those things. … We can actually affect [them] by getting better coaching and increasing access to work-based learning opportunities.”
Graduates who reported having an internship during college have 49% lower odds of becoming underemployed after graduation, the report found. “Intuitively, we all believe that internships help graduates not only get jobs, but get jobs in the areas they care about,” says Carlo Salerno, a managing director at Burning Glass Institute and a co-author on the report. “But I think we were surprised by the magnitude of the effect.”
The report, unsurprisingly, finds that students who study quantitative majors such as mathematics, engineering and computer science experience the lowest underemployment rates—each at rates of less than 37%. Graduates with degrees in public safety and security, marketing and recreation face the highest levels of underemployment—each 57% or higher.
The impact of underemployment isn’t just to the ego, but the wallet: Workers with college-level jobs, as a whole, earn 33% more than their counterparts who are underemployed, according to the report. Those with jobs post-graduation that fit their level of study earn 88% more than high school diploma holders. Meanwhile, underemployed graduates earn only 25% more than high school graduates.
Hanson’s advice for those who want to pursue the major they’re passionate about, no matter the career prospects? At least earn a quantitative minor, certificate or attend a bootcamp to learn in-demand skills and add them to your résumé. “We’re living in a really data-rich world right now,” he says. “Those skills will continue to be in high demand.”
For most 18-to-22-year-olds, after all, decisions about majors have a lot more to do with what they love and what they want to do than with “where the demand and supply gaps are in the labor market,” Salerno says. “People are making choices about job opportunities based on things way more sophisticated than what the economy needs.”