CEO and Executive Creative Director at Tribe, Inc., working with large companies to align employees through internal communications.
Many companies claim to prioritize authentic or transparent communication with their employees, and that can be easy enough to do when times are good. Yet it’s most important when times are bad—or when they’re just in transition.
My internal communications agency works with large companies on messaging that ranges from corporate vision to values to change management. Our clients are usually keen to keep employees in the loop and help them understand what’s happening in the company. But some find communication more difficult when it comes to change—and for good reason.
When a company is undergoing a leadership change, reorganization or other sensitive change, it can take courage to communicate. Some clients feel that communicating the change is just calling employees’ attention to something negative. But you can’t assume that just because corporate isn’t communicating it, employees won’t be talking about it—because they will.
Grownups Can Handle The Facts
When we talk with employees, they tell us they want to hear details about the change, the sooner the better—and especially if it’s bad news. Our recommendation to clients is to treat employees like grownups, which means giving it to them straight, without coddling them or trying to spin the news.
Sometimes our clients are reacting to the reticence of the CEO or others on the executive leadership team. But it’s up to communicators to help executive leaders overcome that fear.
There are several reasons that clearly communicating the change helps create better outcomes. Giving employees the backstory of why the change is happening can help build trust in leadership. It gives employees a greater sense of control when they understand the business reasons behind the change. And it can reduce employee stress, increase buy-in for the change and, ultimately, reinforce the company’s values and vision for success.
Promoting Fact Over Rumor
Another reason to communicate details of the change is to make sure employees have accurate information. In the absence of any communication from corporate, the workplace rumors will rush in to fill that vacuum. No matter how bad the official version of the news might be, the rumor mill is bound to be worse.
Tie The Change Back To The Vision
You can help employees accept the change more easily when you explain how it connects to leadership’s vision for success. When people understand that a negative change is in service to a greater good, it’s easier for them to adapt to the need for that change.
It’s also helpful to be clear about the benefits the change will bring and to talk about what will be better when the change is over. Change is generally difficult; it’s the outcome of the change that makes it worthwhile.
Focus On The Destination
The CEO of a former client once described a sweeping change he was planning was like a family trip to the beach. It’s a lot of trouble to pack the car, it’s uncomfortable being squeezed in together for a long drive, everyone’s complaining that it’s taking too long. But then you arrive at the beach and it’s a beautiful day and the water is perfect. In his view, you need to get people focused on the beach, and not the discomforts of getting there.
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