Abraham George is the founder of Shanti Bhavan Children’s Project, a systemic poverty solution, rooted in a unique educational approach.
In the corporate landscape, shareholders anticipate continuous improvement from one quarter to the next. Senior management at most companies is mindful of this demand, so share prices may continue to rise. This highlights the tension between long-term, sustainable growth and short-term profitability.
Technology and globalization have enabled many companies with a short-term perspective to remain profitable. Furthermore, improved efficiency and cost-cutting have contributed to their bolstered outcomes. They have found near-term success by concentrating mainly on existing markets and products instead of creating new ones, potentially jeopardizing their long-term sustainability.
In contrast, companies like Amazon and Netflix have adopted a long-term view of their investments without facing adverse consequences to their share prices. They weathered years of unprofitability while expanding their market reach and improving their product offerings. Surprisingly, their share prices continued to rise rapidly even in the face of short-term losses as investors in their companies took a longer view of their prospects.
Similarly, biotech and pharma companies have made substantial investments in innovation and pushing scientific boundaries. As their new products come into the market, they generate significant long-term profits after many years, thereby benefiting their shareholders.
A McKinsey study showed that companies focusing on long-term strategies grew their revenues 47% more than their counterparts from 2001 to 2014. These forward-thinking companies allocated substantial resources to research and development and the development of new markets. This commitment to the long term also enabled these companies to implement robust sustainability practices, thereby significantly contributing to growth, employment and productivity.
In contrast to companies that take a short-term view, often spanning less than three years, international organizations and governments tend to emphasize long-term outcomes. Freed from the pressure of shareholders, they can patiently wait several years for results. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals are a prime example, as they allow governments to tackle systemic problems such as poverty, hunger, lack of education, gender inequality and many other forms of disenfranchisement over the long term. This funding approach has reduced the number of people living in extreme global poverty from 1.9 billion in 1990 to 836 million in 2015. These results were achieved with patience and commitment.
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) face a different dilemma. Large charitable organizations like the Gates Foundation, which relies on a single major donor, can afford to wait for results. For instance, the Gates Foundation invested substantial funds in less developed countries, focusing on healthcare, sanitation, education and fighting diseases like malaria that affect primarily poor people. They measure success by the number of beneficiaries, not profitability, and are accountable only to themselves.
On the other hand, countless smaller NGOs do not have this luxury. Their corporate and individual contributors typically expect outcomes within the funding year, and multi-year pledges for funding are rare in the NGO sector. Donor funds are often contingent on projects showing verifiable results within a single financial year. This limited timeframe restricts smaller charitable organizations from embarking on initiatives that require time to manifest results.
For instance, an NGO may secure funding to run a primary school in an underserved area. The donor may deem their contribution valuable as long as the school acquires the essential infrastructure and hires an adequate number of teachers. The funding ends within the year, and subsequent assistance may not be forthcoming once the school’s physical needs have been met. In this common model, students’ outcomes—their level of learning and their capacity to go on to college—are often not monitored or accounted for by the donor.
The sustainable progress of companies and nonprofits is made easier by adhering to the following four considerations:
• Adopt a long-term vision while taking short-term actions. Set annual goals that drive the mission toward progressive accomplishment against the final long-term objective.
• Adequately fund the necessary infrastructure and organizational resources required for the successful completion of the project. The current year’s operational activities should be viewed as integral to the broader mission.
• Identify NGOs with the vision and capacity for significant progress and provide them stability by offering multi-year funding pledges.
• Over-communicate long-term benefits with investors. This allows them to see the impact of their funds not only in the immediate window but as they build year-over-year into an outcome of the multiplier effect.
I established the Shanti Bhavan School in 1997 to raise and educate underprivileged children in India, empowering them to break free of their social status as Dalits or “untouchables.” The expectation was never one of immediate transformative impact. I knew it would take 20 years, at least, to show measurable progress. Fortunately, my financial status allowed me to commit to the mission without external support for the first 15 years. I only sought assistance when the first batch of children under my care graduated from school and went on to good colleges. Donors recognized the potential of our children securing gainful employment in a few years, even though the mission’s objectives were innately long-term.
If NGOs like ours received multi-year support on projects with extended timelines, more substantial results could be achieved without the need to focus on short-term outcomes.
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