If you’ve consumed financial media, you might have heard the term indexing, or index investing, come up. Despite how frequently the term is used, I have found that very few people understand what it means. For starters, you can’t invest directly in an index.
This is a discussion about the rise of index funds, seven common errors I see investors make, and some considerations to select an effective portfolio.
Index Funds
An index, by definition, is a list of stocks that act as a sort of measuring stick for how your portfolio is doing for its investment category. As an example, if you want to invest in a portfolio of large company stocks, your index that you’d compare your portfolio with would likely be the S&P 500, which is a list of the 500 largest publicly traded companies in the United States. The largest companies are measured by market capitalization, which is the number of shares that are publicly traded multiplied by the price per share.
The concept of index investing has been gaining immense popularity recently, but got its start with a man named Jack Bogle in 1951. Jack Bogle, who later went on to found The Vanguard Group, wrote his thesis at Princeton university about how active portfolio managers (people who select individual stocks and attempt to time the market) tend to lose to a simple list of stocks, known as an index. Today, there are hundreds of funds that attempt to mimic indexes by investing in a similar list of stocks.
Common Errors
Because so many people hear that they should be indexing without understanding what it means, I see a lot of people making similar mistakes.
If you’re choosing between investing in individual stocks and a single index fund, your risk-adjusted expected returns and diversification will be much higher with a single index fund. However, a single index fund often does not provide complete diversification.
I see so many people who just try to track the S&P 500, which only tracks large companies based in the United States. To add diversification, sometimes I see people layer on an additional large company index fund with a different investment manager. They would invest in virtually the same stocks, so you would not receive significant diversification benefits.
Many people are surprised to learn that large company indexes have not historically had the highest returns out of all categories. Since academics started tracking index returns in 1926, small companies have, in fact, had higher average returns than large companies by about 2% per year. The Russell 2000 is a popular example of a small company index.
Investing in just the S&P 500 also disregards the potential benefits of investing internationally. Many investors benefit from investing in stocks of both emerging economies (like India) and developed nations (like Japan). The United States makes up 70% of the world market capitalization, while 30% of market capitalization lies with other countries. A world and size-diversified portfolio allows investors to capture returns wherever they occur.
There is a lot of research out there to show that timing the market is not effective. Despite this, I see investors attempt to time the market every day. If you’re someone who believes that index investing is the best way to operate your portfolio, but you move to cash in a downturn or try to bet on a sector (such as energy or tech) going way up, your portfolio is not passive and you’re not maximizing your potential gain over long periods of time.
Every investor should be investing with their goals and tolerance for risk in mind. I’ve had an investor once tell me, “I’m a pretty conservative investor, my funds are just in an S&P 500 fund.”
A stock-based index fund, no matter how well-diversified, is considered an aggressive investment. An investor in an all-stock portfolio should have a high tolerance for risk and a long-time horizon until they need to rely on their investment portfolio for distributions.
Investors who don’t meet this description may consider adding fixed income to their portfolio. There is a wide variety of fixed income index funds investors have access to as well.
Indexes themselves rebalance automatically according to which companies are added to or taken out of the given index. However, if you create a portfolio and fail to rebalance it, you’re likely to end up with a much different portfolio over time than you originally intended.
Let’s say you are a moderate investor and today, you put yourself in a portfolio that is 60% stocks and 40% bonds. If you didn’t look at it for 25 years, you would likely have much more in stocks than bonds because stocks tend to outperform over time. If you had hypothetically ended up with 85% in stocks and 15% in bonds, your portfolio might be at significant risk in your older age, likely much closer to retirement. For this reason, it’s important to rebalance your portfolio to keep your assets allocated in the way you intended.
Investing in index funds involves attempting to mimic a list of stocks within a specific category. While index funds are a useful tool for investing, it’s important to be aware of these common errors investors make when it comes to investing in index funds. When in doubt, consider speaking with a qualified financial professional about your goals and risk tolerance to allocate your portfolio effectively.