Another day, another Wordle. Only, today is 2XP Friday, which means that all you Competitive Wordle players can earn—or lose—twice as many points! Huzzah!
November is quickly passing us by. Soon, we’ll be celebrating Turkey Day and giving thanks for all the many blessings we have in this life. Then it’s our great national holiday: Black Friday. Get ready for those sales! sales! sales!
I’m already itching to decorate for Christmas because I am a big Christmas nerd. I love all things Christmas and I think I need it more than ever this year.
For now, though, let’s Wordle, shall we?
How To Solve Today’s Word
The Hint: Not advisable for students or employees.
The Clue: This word begins with a consonant.
Wordle Bot Analysis
After each Wordle I solve I head over to the Wordle Bot homepage to see how my guessing game was.
Right off the bat, I came out swinging. I suppose today’s Wordle isn’t super difficult, but I got lucky enough with stair to make it even easier. My next guess, aorta, was mainly an attempt to place the ‘A’ in a couple different spots, eliminate another vowel, and see what happened. It wasn’t bad! Three guesses remained, though I could only think of tardy and tarry.
I went with tardy because A) it seemed more likely and B) it didn’t have a double letter, which meant I’d at least eliminate more in the process. Lucky for me, I got it right. Huzzah!
Just like yesterday and the day before yesterday, I get 1 point for guessing in three, but 0 for tying Wordle Bot. 1 x 2 (for 2XP Friday) gets me 2 points. Bangarang!
Today’s Wordle Etymology
The word “tardy” has its origins in Middle English. It can be traced back to the Old French word “tardif,” which means “slow” or “delayed.” The Old French word, in turn, is derived from the Latin word “tardus,” which also means “slow” or “late.” So, “tardy” ultimately has its roots in Latin and has retained its meaning of being late or delayed throughout its evolution in the English language.
Play Competitive Wordle Against Me!
I’ve been playing a cutthroat game of PvP Wordle against my nemesis Wordle But. Now you should play against me! I can be your nemesis! (And your helpful Wordle guide, of course). You can also play against the Bot if you have a New York Times subscription.
Here are the rules:
- 1 point for getting the Wordle in 3 guesses.
- 2 points for getting it in 2 guesses.
- 3 points for getting it in 1 guess.
- 1 point for beating me
- 0 points for getting it in 4 guesses.
- -1 point for getting it in 5 guesses.
- -2 points for getting it in 6 guesses.
- -3 points for losing.
- -1 point for losing to me
You can either keep a running tally of your score if that’s your jam or just play day-to-day if you prefer.