We make dishes at home that we could never have out and savor them: especially during the holiday season. So when it rolls around, and it gets cold out in Southern Oregon, I warm up to my favorite playthings in the kitchen. So here are just a few of my favorites.
The Pot
Heritage Steel pots are polished and affordable. The website has lots of good advice about how to clean these pans and remove those rainbow reflections that can develop in them. They also come in a bunch of nice sets (with covers to simmer your dishes).
The Glasses
Double-paned crystal is divine for wine as your fingers don’t heat up the glass. It is not not half bad for coffee as well so you don’t burn your fingers. Epare has some pretty lovely versions of both coffee cups and flutes.
The Coffeemaker
Espresso is divine in the morning. This little machine, by Espresso-works takes up very little space on the counter and turns out great foamy coffee and perfectly steamed milk. It comes with an attachment to make both single and double espressos (you can guess what I am drinking.)
The Cookbook
Asian dishes are delicious year round. Kung Food is a particularly fun look into Chinese cooking seen through the culinary diaspora. Kung was born in LA and raised partially in Hong Kong. Kung carefully goes through the ingredients and tools needed for all these dishes.
The Candle
Scented candles rather compliment food, but bright citrus notes can often do the trick. These Loam Candles are refreshing in the kitchen, and the bathroom, and don’t overwhelm what you are cooking with too much scent.