Adam Eagleston, CFA, is the Chief Investment Officer for Formidable Asset Management.
Back in the old days (well, the 1990s) even billionaires had to open a newspaper to see how their stocks did. Today, almost everyone has instant access to a dopamine-inducing array of flashing greens and reds, gains and losses, buys and sells.
Does more information mean better outcomes? Sadly, the answer is probably not. Let’s look at three don’ts and three dos investors should consider.
Don’t Consider
• Looking at your portfolio too often.
• Letting fear rule you.
• Worrying about keeping up with the Jones, i.e., the Dow (or the S&P, or the NASDAQ).
Do Consider
• Focusing on your goals and objectives.
• Being aware of the risk.
• Comparing performance to a reasonable benchmark.
Along with easy access via mobile devices to our account information comes easy trading. With a few clicks, we can buy or sell almost any stock, or even do some hedging trades. The fact is that the average holding period for a stock in the U.S. has fallen from around five years in the 1970s to around 10 months in 2022. The average mutual fund is only held for about 2.5 years. This constant access elicits an emotional response, which, as we will see, can have repercussions.
Fear is the primary driver of investment decisions. At times like this, it is the fear of missing out (FOMO), which sees investors pile into certain types of investments. However, in 2022, it was the regular kind of fear, which often leads to poor decisions, too. Dalbar’s 30-year investor study showed that from 1993 through 2022, the S&P 500 averaged a 9.65% return versus 6.8% for the average equity fund investor.
To put it in dollar terms, assuming an investor put $100,000 in the market 30 years ago in 1993 (based on the average for equity fund investors from above), they accumulated $864,000 less by the end of 2022 due to this underperformance. This comes with an important caveat we will address next, but this large deviation likely is a result of FOMO and fear—selling low and buying high. Investors tend to chase hot trends (FOMO) and then either sell when some new trend catches their fancy, or sell out of fear when it declines.
We mentioned the performance of the average investor versus the S&P 500, but is that the “right” benchmark? Or is it the Dow Jones? Or the NASDAQ? The answer is probably none of these are the right benchmark for most retail investors. The reason? In the case of all three, only a handful of stocks are meaningful to performance, meaning they do not truly reflect how the “stock market” is performing more broadly.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is the oldest continuous index in the U.S., but that does not mean it is the best. It is comprised of only 30 stocks, and the top 10 represent over 50% of the weight in the index. Next is the S&P 500 Index. Despite being composed of 500 stocks, its diversification is only slightly better than that of the DJIA. Yes, for the S&P 500, the top 10 are only around 30% of the weight versus 50% for the DJIA, but for an index of 500 stocks, that is still very top-heavy.
Look no further than the performance so far in 2023, when the S&P 500 index is up over 15% versus a mere 5% gain for an equally weighted version; in other words, the average stock is doing far worse than the index. Moreover, almost 30% of the S&P 500 is in one sector, information technology, a weight that would have been larger if not for its committee taking action a few years ago to move companies like Alphabet and Meta from the technology sector to the communications services sector in 2018.
The NASDAQ is even more concentrated (as of July 3, 2023, six companies composed over 50% of the index). It reached the point where the index committee had to make an unscheduled rebalance so it would meet SEC diversification requirements. We can argue that none of these benchmarks are great proxies for what an investor should expect from a well-diversified portfolio.
So, we hit all the things you may not want to consider. Now, what are some of the things you may want to consider focusing on?
First, focus on your goals and objectives. Just because your neighbor claims to be getting rich trading cryptocurrency does not mean you need to do it. It is important to sit down with your financial advisor and outline what your long-term investing goals are, then develop a plan to get you there. Your investment horizon (how long you have until you need to start spending from your savings) and your current savings rate (how much you are investing) are two things you can control. Investment returns are the one thing you cannot control, especially over shorter periods of time, so developing a portfolio that maximizes your chances of achieving your returns over the long term is more important than chasing the latest fad.
Second, and related, is to be aware of risk. Risk can be defined in multiple ways. Some are sophisticated measures of volatility, while others are simpler, like what are the odds I lose some (or all) of my principal. However you look at it, risk is the opposite side of the coin of return. Investments that have generated (or you are told may potentially provide) a high return also come with higher risk.
Third, is to find a reasonable benchmark. While keeping pace with a large-cap, American-focused benchmark is not a helpful data point, understanding how your portfolio’s performance compares to a similar diversified portfolio is important. Looking at the performance of target risk funds that align with your objectives, or target date funds that approximate your investment horizon, are two things you can discuss with your advisor as you evaluate performance. Unfortunately, the building blocks of many of these strategies are the same index products we mentioned earlier, but you may get a slightly better picture.
The information provided here is not investment, tax or financial advice. You should consult with a licensed professional for advice concerning your specific situation.
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