It has been a good long while since Bungie jammed a piece of loot this good into Trials of Osiris in Destiny 2, as even with a number of new weapons over the last few seasons, I’ve never seen any of them create a frenzy quite like this.
I’m talking about The Immortal, the new Aggressive Frame, Strand SMG that is a new reward as of this season from Trials of Osiris. The good news is that for PvP players, there’s finally a piece of extremely worthy new loot to chase in the mode. The bad news is that it’s so good that everyone is using it, as it has about a million more Trials kills this weekend than its next closest competitor.
On the PvE side, more good news, as this is one of just two Strand SMGs in the game, currently the only Legendary primary type worth much of a damn, and it’s better than the other Neomuna one, where it can also roll Strand-exclusive perk hatchling. And there’s also more bad news, as you…have to play Trials to get it.
I am writing this late, as there are only a few hours left in Trials this weekend where the SMG is the Adept featured flawless reward. But I am speaking to my fellow bad PvE players, where this quest for the SMG, non-adept, can last the whole season. You have to get to Trials rank 10 with Saint, which took me a few dozen games where I went, I don’t know, let’s say a 1 in 3 win rate, at best. Probably worse. But by the time you hit rank 10 you’ll have 8 or 9 engrams where you can focus for rolls of this.
The god rolls? That depends on if you’re going for PvP or PvE:
PvP – Rangefinder/Target Lock. Target Lock is so good on this thing I’m worried it might actually get hit with a nerf. If no Rangefinder, then Threat Detector or Dynamic Sway, maybe. I also have a Dynamic Sway/Tap the Trigger for when Target Lock gets nerfed.
PvE – Threat Detector/Hatchling. Hatchling is what you want on this thing, though I also have a Demolitionist one I think could be fun with Strand grapple. My roll is Surplus/Hatchling which I am loving just fine.
Why is The Immortal so good? A few reasons. First, its base stats are just incredible. Second, its perk pool is all you could really want for both modes. Third, it has access to the new Field Tested perk which gives even further stat boosts on damage. Fourth, it does indeed have an adept version if you can get it, which auto-elevates among most other weapons with bonus stats and more mods.
Look, I won’t lie, I did not really enjoy my time with Trials before or even after the flawless pool went live. But I absolutely am enjoying this thing now that I have it, and it was a day and a half of suffering for something I feel like stands out in a loot pool of ten trillion guns that often blend together. If you can stomach the grind, I do think it’s worth getting a copy.
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