It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Destiny 2 has just launched its newest Lightfall expansion this week, which on launch day, managed to break the game’s all-time concurrent Steam record, despite the fact we’re five years into this live service sequel. It’s impressive, and speaks highly of how much hype there was for Lightfall heading into release.
And yet I have never seen a community start tearing apart a new piece of content so quickly. And this is Destiny, where complaining is pretty much the game’s national pastime, though it’s much worse than usual. While yes, it’s reddit, full of thread after thread of negativity, it’s also Twitter, across content creators and in the replies to official accounts. It’s on Steam, where despite those record numbers, Lightfall user reviews are skewing “mostly negative” near launch here.
I posted my own list of positives and negatives about Lightfall yesterday, but rather than just my own views, I want to zoom out and capture why everyone is so mad and/or disappointed. Is this a bit of an overreaction? Probably. Does Lightfall have many real, very big issues? Absolutely. Here’s what players are upset about:
- The campaign’s story pales in comparison to last year’s The Witch Queen in a number of ways, namely rushing into giving us two brand new Cloud Strider characters without essentially any introduction or explanation (Cloud Strider history and lore and more history from Nimbus and Rohan actually comes later in the campaign).
- Nimbus in particular is a character who has drawn particular ire, as their carefree attitude and constant quips are reminiscent of an ‘80s surfer, which seems out of place given the supposed gravity of the story at hand.
- Strand is woven into the plot to such a degree, it works to the story’s detriment. While Bungie said they wanted Strand to be a larger focus in the narrative, that actually comes across like a negative, as enormous chunks of the story are devoted to Strand alone, including missions that are just literal “training exercises.” Not exactly riveting content.
- Lightfall’s campaign macguffin, “The Veil” has already become a meme. (spoilers follow) We are meant to find The Veil and protect The Veil and The Veil seems to be a key mystery holding together the entire campaign. But after getting through hours of campaign missions to discover the truth we get…nothing. The Veil is never explained, as it’s just some sort of bioluminescent structure that serves as the final boss arena. Attempting to figure out what The Veil is continues after the campaign is, and no answers appear to be on the near horizon.
- The ending where the Traveler is supposedly “killed” is confusing and abrupt. NPCs talk about the Traveler’s death in one moment then in the next say we don’t actually know what The Witness did to the Traveler after cutting a triangle portal into it, but we all still have our light. It’s deeply weird.
- Strand itself has landed awkwardly. While cooldowns are low in the campaign, they dramatically increase in the live version of the subclass afterward, and this fantasy about zipping all over the place does not really work when you have a base cooldown of 1:45 on the grapple, and have to bend over backwards for a build that makes it feel like the cooldown is remotely near where it should be.
- Generally speaking, outside of a few rarities (Stareater Strand Hunter), Strand seems a bit underpowered at launch, which is on display in the Legendary Campaign where even with low cooldowns it can’t compete with most light 3.0 subclasses.
- Neomuna is an odd playable space and feels different than what Bungie promised about zipping across the rooftops (there is really nothing interesting even on the rooftops) and it’s not very vertical at all.
- All of the seasonal and expansion weapons outside of the raid are either reprised or reskinned weapons.
- The new armor charge system, which combines elemental wells and charged with light builds, is not going over well. Many of the most interesting mods have been erased or heavily nerfed, and it feels like a less interesting, less fun version of the system we just had last week, even if the new mod application screen is good.
- Guardian Ranks feel pointless right now as everywhere you look, everyone is level 6, whether you have 50 hours into the game or 5,000. I’m not sure how it works as an onboarding system, as it just feels like modified triumphs, and it doesn’t really seem to reflect veteran’s time spent right now, as many aspects must be re-grinded every season and nearly everyone starts at the same level, regardless of their history.
- The new commendation system is a good idea in theory but in practice everyone just tries to spam whatever they can before people leave so they can get a pinnacle drop attached to giving out 20 commendations a week.
- Strand fragments are both timegated and need to be repurchased on all three characters using slowly-farmed Strand currency. And the new campaign skip feature to unlock Strand instantly is $20 per character.
- The new strikes that have been updated are now slogs with forced slowness through escorting payloads and disabling sparrows.
- Barely anything has been added to Crucible at all outside of the new Strand sandbox. Of course nothing was added to Gambit. Bungie seems to have forgotten to make new core playlist armor this year as well.
Is that everything? Probably not, but it’s the bulk of it, and a lot of this does seem avoidable. Much of it isn’t fixable, however, as you only get one chance to do a campaign right, and they did not get it right here. More to come, but this launch is definitely lacking, and we’ll see how Bungie responds soon enough, I suppose.
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